واجهات التفاعل الطبيعية
Natural interaction interfaces
The E-Learning Innovations team has studied the possibilities of interacting with
educational objects through the natural user interfaces (NUI) that depend on the natural
interaction (movements, gestures, and sound) between the user and computers using
distance sensors such as (Kinect, LMC).
Leap Motion
Technical specifications
Used to interact with three-dimensional objects in the
computer by tracking the movements of hands and fingers
Its formula
- Two IR thermal cameras
- Three LEDs to sense movement of hands over the sensor
Software tools
- (Unity) in C #
- Unreal Engine 4 (C ++)
Compatible with Windows PCs (7 or more), and virtual reality glasses
(Oculus Rift, Oculus Rift DK2, HTC Vive)
KINECT for windows v2
Technical Specifications
Kinect device i s used t o monitor a nd f ollow h and and body movements
Recommended hardware specifications
- processor-64 bit (x64)
- Memory capacity 4 GB or more
- Requires USB 3.0 port
Software requirements
Microsoft KINECT Studio V2
Supported operating systems
Connect is compatible with Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or more
Control application of educational elements using Knect
Control application of educational elements using Leap Motion
Last Update
6/29/2020 10:38:13 AM